Perfect understanding of products lifecycle. Deep knowledge of Software Architecture and design patterns.
High experience in JS technologies: Typescript, Node/Express, React, GraphQL/Apollo/Knex, Emotion/Styled/CSS in JS.
Love to have a well tested codebase using Jest/testing-library/supertest for unit/integration testing and Cypress for e2e using a BDD methodology.
Passionate about sports. Occasional writer and tertullian in podcasts. In my free time, I love to go with my wife and my dog to the beach, play American football, read tech and non-tech books, and listening music (Red Hot Chilli Peppers is my fav band 🌶️).
My career has been coupled of startups in different stages so I had the experience of being the very-first developer in-house but also working for a 400-employee company. That gave me different views of startups and an understanding of the company's needs at each moment.
Always worked in this kind of position to contribute to all layers of development. I would highlight NodeJS with MySQL in the Backend, GraphQL/Node/Express in the middle and Javascript/React with Styled/Emotion/CSS in Frontend.
As Senior Engineer, helping the team, unblocking colleagues and mentoring the junior/mid engineers is something I've done the last years and something I like honestly.
[Contract] London-based Web3 company with different projects and technologies such as, ehtersjs, solidity, web3, TS, jest, RTL, react, nextJS, etc. Gained experience of the crypto space, working with smart contracts, NFTs, wallets and the blockchain utils.
[Contract] US-based company with 5 products for non-profits social services and governments to help manage cases such as marginality, foster families, etc... Products are built with a Backend-for-frontend architecture in the frontend, a GraphQL layer in the middle to handle API requests, and a JAVA-crnk backend. I participated in the 2 first layers, plus the core libraries. The frontend is built with React, Typescript, and the DS (MUI). My main contributions here apart from tickets and SCRUM ceremonies participation were adding a nice test coverage to crucial features, introducing testing-library, and refactoring important business workflows.
[Contract] Mid-startup based in the UK providing food to offices. I was able to participate in the transformation of the codebase. We added tests to cover key features from 0% coverage. Moved from monolith to serverless architecture. Also added Typescript to a React/Node repo with VanillaJS.
JavaScript engineer in a high-talented team. Frontend architecture is based on Backend-for-frontend pattern using node/graphql/knex/ssr for the server part and React/Apollo/Emotion in the client. Also responsible to develop a React-native app. Mentorship to the junior and middle engineers.
Team leader of an e-learning product based on a LAMP Cloud application. PHP7 with CakePHP and MySQL as Back technologies. HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JS, jQuery and React.JS shape the Front stack. GIT as VCS. SCRUM and Kanban among Agile Development methodologies.
Full-stack engineer developing a telecomunications product oriented to customer service departments. Cloud application developed in PHP with CodeIgniter and a MySQL DB. Front stack shaped by HTML5, CSS3, JS and jQuery.
J2EE and Liferay based Cloud application oriented to boards of directors. Postgres DB and Lucene search for a massive storage of important files. is the website that I created while I was in college. Here I provide Sports Betting info to the customers in order to help them to win. I have learned a lot about development and boosting this business without any investment. Thanks to this site I could pay the college and other courses to improve my skills while mixing my main hobbie (sports) with my dream of having my own business.
* These are just the most important certificates and courses I have taken. You can check the full list in my Linkedin profile.
Best qualification in Thesis developing a C# product for retailers.